Energy Reboot - the key to peak performance
Building Resilience to Stress
Fighting Fatigue for Health, Safety & Productivity
Dr. Jo is an energy expert for people.
Jo Lichten PhD, RDN, CSP (a.k.a. “Dr. Jo®”) is an energy expert...for people. Blending the science of peak performance with a healthy dose of reality, she works with organizations to recharge their people for improved performance, productivity, and profitability.
She has presented 1000+ programs all over North America and abroad - at meetings, conferences, retreats, and online. During the pandemic, when everything went virtual, she revamped her programs using a fun, interactive quiz-show format - which she continues to use in her in-person programs. Her experience and professionalism have earned her the highly sought-after CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation from the National Speakers Association.
Jo has decades of Human Performance and Total Worker Health experience in healthcare, education, and the corporate world. She began her career as an accredited health professional (registered dietitian nutritionist) and went on to teach nutrition while developing a four-year dietetics program at the University of Texas/Pan American.
In her mid-30s, when clients were asking about healthy options in restaurants (long before there was nutrition information on the menu and before the internet), she researched and wrote Dining Lean and Healthy Eating in Restaurants. Soon she was traveling across the country leading full-day programs on health, wellness, and self-improvement with national training companies including CareerTrack.
In response to the documentary “SuperSize Me”, she was hired by Burger King International as their Chief Nutrition Officer to offer nutritional sensibility to the menu. After a year and a half, it was obvious that BK wasn’t going to change their ways.
So Jo went back on the speaking circuit developing and delivering to hundreds of a variety of audiences including medical professionals and business professionals all across the US and abroad. She’s also shared her knowledge in newspapers, magazines, and on more than 300 radio and TV shows.
In response to other business travelers’ requests, she interviewed hundreds of other business travelers about their secrets to staying healthy and fit on the road. This culminated in her book, How to Stay Healthy and Fit on the Road. In speaking engagements, she shared their stories along with her One-Minute Workout.
Jo’s sixth book, REBOOT - how to power up your energy, focus, and productivity, helped individuals banish their fatigue and supercharge their lives. She’s worked with a wide variety of companies and clients, including seven years as a performance coach with Johnson & Johnson’s HPI.